During this COVID pandemic, grief has led grievers to feel more isolated as they are not able to access the normal and natural supports of family, friends, and faith community. Without access to common rituals such as wakes, sitting Shiva, memorials, and funerals, grievers are left to process the reality of death alone. Other kinds of losses are also impacted by the social distancing restrictions in place. The social supports that grievers would rely on to cry, vent, and distract are limited. This social isolation has created a more complicated and challenging grief experience regardless of the type of loss.
Many grievers find connecting with others who are grieving similar losses to be paramount in their healing. By sharing and listening to others share their grief stories, grievers feel less alone, feel validated in their feelings, and learn different ways to cope than what they had used on their own. By grieving in a group, individuals feel a sense of connection, support, and are empowered to navigate their grief journey.
Many community grief support groups are led by volunteers who have experienced a death or loss previously and desire to “give back” to other grievers. These kinds of groups are called “peer-led”. Grief Support Groups provide a safe space for group members to cry, vent, and connect with others in a similar situation. The goal of Grief Support Groups is to provide emotional support and connection. Grief Therapy Groups are slightly different. Grief Therapy Groups combine the supportive nature of support groups while adding in the therapeutic interventions of grief counseling. These therapeutic grief interventions are proven strategies and techniques that are designed to facilitate growth and healing.
Throughout the year, I offer Grief Therapy Groups online in the Fox River Valley to allow for greater availability, increased access, and convenience.​ If you are interested in learning more about the Online Grief Therapy Groups or would like to be added to the waitlist for the next group please click the contact me button below. Below is a listing of current groups that are running or will be running soon.